2020 - informa 3 Year Contract AWARD
winner of informa RFP competition creative/design concept presentation for multi year contract
winner of informa RFP competition creative/design concept presentation for multi year contract
2019 - Don Baughman coveted Performance Excellence Award
Team award for delivering unique quality work across key business metrics in a way that larger offices would do well to model.
Team award for delivering unique quality work across key business metrics in a way that larger offices would do well to model.
2019 - Star of Excellence award FINALIST
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for voted for by colleagues
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for voted for by colleagues
2019 - Exhibitor Live Eco-Friendly Concept Partnership
granted the design for Conference Networking medium concept to foster & promote sustainable future builds
granted the design for Conference Networking medium concept to foster & promote sustainable future builds
2018 - Best of show award IAEE
awarded best of show award for Attendee/Booth Interaction for +200,000 S.F.
awarded best of show award for Attendee/Booth Interaction for +200,000 S.F.
presentation lecture at "Exhibitor Live" event on sustainable builds and best practices using creative thinking
presentation lecture at "Exhibitor Live" event on sustainable builds and best practices using creative thinking
helped build and promote a company wide culture of sustainable design thinking & structure forms that is now an official company product generating new revenue stream
2017 - Open Text 3 Year Contract
winner of Open Text annual conference for multi year contract as a result of creative & design presentation
winner of Open Text annual conference for multi year contract as a result of creative & design presentation
2017 - Freeman Star of Excellence award winner
winner of SOE award for exceptional team work & personifying Freeman values
winner of SOE award for exceptional team work & personifying Freeman values
2016 - Green & Sustainable Builds Initiative
championed the creative concept and vision for eco-friendly concepts and structures, now a mainstream product line
championed the creative concept and vision for eco-friendly concepts and structures, now a mainstream product line
2016 - Freeman design contest winner
a winning project for internal design contest
2015 - South East Region Recognition
winning of the true-blue project design contest
winning of the true-blue project design contest
2013 - Star of Excellence award FINALIST
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for voted for by colleagues
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for voted for by colleagues
2012 - Star of Excellence award FINALIST
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for excellence voted for by colleagues
nominated finalist the SOE Freeman award for excellence voted for by colleagues
2012 - Recognition as Service Star for exceptional customer service
recognized as Service Star winner for creating a WOW client experience.
recognized as Service Star winner for creating a WOW client experience.
2012 - Agriculture Office Mexico consulate Recognition
recognition & letter of appreciation for creative attention & design detail given to client exhibit experience over many year
recognition & letter of appreciation for creative attention & design detail given to client exhibit experience over many year
2012 - Best Booth Award CPMA
1st place winner of best of show award for large exhibit
1st place winner of best of show award for large exhibit
2012 - Best Large Booth Award CRFA
2nd place winner of best of show award for large exhibit
2nd place winner of best of show award for large exhibit
"I can always count on Amar to deliver their very best, each and ever time. He is extremely passionate about reflecting the very best quality in his performance. He wakes up every day and exude excellence. This is a feat most of us can not achieve. I can ALWAYS count on him to meet the challenge and know he will go the extra mile to achieve success. I would walk into any situation with confidence knowing he is on my side."
"I have worked around creative individual my entire career. We are a needy bunch. In a world of self promotion and me first mentalities it is refreshing to work along someone as selfless as he is. Amar goes above and beyond his day to day duties to help the entire Freeman community by sharing concepts and ideas that will inspire innovation, creativity and great work. He does this because he sees the need, not because he is asked. He does this to truly help others without credit received. I recently witnessed him engaged in truly understanding how doctors learn at a medical conference and engaged in discussions with several medical professionals. Not because he was tasked to do so, but because he had a curiosity to truly UNDERSTAND and the drive to make it better."
"Innovation is Amar's middle name! He is constantly the go to guy to pilot new initiatives, tackle challenges and deliver in a pinch. He thinks differently, every day. He embraces a challenge - no challenge is great enough. He goes beyond his duties, discovers new improvements, processes and searches for the next opportunity. We should name a building after this employee - or a least a product offering. He is so innovative he taught Chuck Norris the round house kick. Enough Said."
"Enthusiasm you say, you just hit Amar's sweet spot. If enthusiasm could be measured by a heat signature he would be the sun. Anyone that works with him will feel empowered and inspired to achieve greatness. His multicultural approach and diverse thinking inspires you to look at things differently. His passion is contagious and his ability too effectively collaborate with large groups is amazing to watch. People that meet him for the first time walk away saying, "wow, that guy spews awesomeness".
"Best of the best? Check. Strives for excellence in everything? CHECK. Solves challenges? CHECK, CHECK. Give him a $10M opportunity and he will soar. Give him a $10,000 opportunity and you will soar. Amar delivers greatness on small and large opportunities. There is only one gear you get from him - AWESOMENESS. The challenge is not defined by the price tag, in fact it takes more innovation to deliver excellence on smaller opportunities (design speaking). He doesn't see the difference. Start-up event or multi-million dollar, prestigious, world renowned super-event you will get the best he can deliver. If you really want proof - just talk to him. just once and you will be a fan."
"Collaborates effectively: We recently had a large activation for the first time at HRS, which took place in San Francisco. There were some labor challenges that arose onsite, that could have seriously impacted our ability to successfully deliver for the customer. Amar stepped into the lead and worked closely with the onsite labor to 'right the ship'. This was a uniquely challenging situation, and he deserves a lot of credit for the resolution. We were able to successfully execute, and the customer never knew that there was an issue behind the scenes."